12 Zodiac Combos Most Likely To Get Pregnant This Year

How many kids are you planning to have? But how many do you think you’ll end up with? You may be surprised to know that despite your best intentions and planning, the stars above already have a number planned to suit your personality.

Leo women know or probably hope they will have many children, but just how many is that? Wouldn’t it be great to know, like a sneak peek into future! Destiny doesn’t mean it’s all fixed and final. You do have the power to change your destiny. If a woman destined to have 4 kids gets her tubes tied after having just 2, she has foiled destiny’s plans for her. But if you let destiny have her way, just take a look at what she has planned for you based on your zodiac sign.

But if you are considering going ahead the family way, your partner matters too. There comes a point in life when you wish to take your relation ahead. Bringing in a new life to your relation and sealing your love, pregnancy brings freshness to your bond. The relationship strengthens and matures. The journey from being single, to becoming a couple, and then on to the beautiful phase of pregnancy can be exciting and a life to remember if you are one of those compatible zodiac pairs.

The 12 zodiac signs belong to 4 different elements which is the core energy within us that contributes to our personality traits and influences our life pattern of thinking and emotions. Makes sense why some couples fare excellent on the compatibility chart and some just manage to accommodate each other!

Astrology suggests that zodiac signs belonging to the same element are most compatible. Their likes and emotions run parallel and therefore they understand each other better. However, the magic created due to the attraction between two opposite elements cannot be underestimated. Thus, the permutations and combinations of zodiac signs make each couple unique.

The roller coaster ride of each couple varies and this can be solely attributed to their individual zodiac pairing. If you are looking forward to starting a family at the earliest and create the destined number of kids, let us unravel some of the exiting zodiac combos that destiny loves bringing together to fulfil her plans for procreation.

12. Aries Mom and Sagittarius Dad

Aries has a love and desire for motherhood. Due to their warrior personality, the stars have 3-4 kids planned for them. If an Aries if looking to get pregnant at the earliest to get started on her journey to creating her brood of four kids, then a sagittarius partner is her best bet.

As per astrology-zodiac-signs.com, the cracking chemistry between two Fire signs makes this pair the hottest. The aggressive straightforward nature of both Sagittarius and Aries make their bedroom life simply insane. Sensuous Sagittarius and a bold Arian, exploring their deep desires with equal quest, make this zodiac combo superlative. This is one combo that will not need any extra effort to get pregnant.

For any couple to blossom, their interests and passion must be understood by each other. To get pregnant soon, the couple need flow by their emotions and let their heart rule their mind. For the fiery and Aries and adventurous and flirtatious Sagittarius, fantasies are easy practical experiment.

When mutual attraction is strong and if they can communicate their feelings then their relationship is at its best. This happy and fun loving zodiac pair can be sincere about everything they do. Aries takes its basic Fire element a little too seriously, while Sagittarian being high on passion quotient knows how to soften and make the moment romantic.

Mental and physical preparedness is a must for every woman as well as man who wishes to go ahead the family way. Aries and Sagittarius come across as one of the most sincere and honest people. They are truthful and loyal to their partners. According to babycentre.co.uk, the Aries parent is impulsive and hot-headed while the Sagittarius parent is playful and young-at-heart, forever initiating new and exciting activities.

11. Taurus Mom and Scorpio Dad

Taurus is known for being calm and composed. They mostly aim to have two kids as having any more might cause them to get pretty overwhelmed. Scorpio is a great partner for Taurus moms.

Taurus is an Earth sign, grounded, and dependable they are most logical and practical in their approach. They have an inborn eye for beauty and are sensuous to the core. Scorpio comes across as a fierce and fun loving honest people. The Water element rules a Scorpio. They manifest feelings raw and don’t shy away from expressing their emotions.

This combination of Earth and Water is hard to miss as they fuse and compound into each other to become one. Water simply seeps into the earth with no effort. Likewise a Taurus and Scorpio are one of the most compatible zodiac combos. For those who are in a Taurus-Scorpio bond, will find their relationship most satisfying. Giving into each other’s desires and needs is one of the reasons. You are in the right place with the right person, and you can definitely consider planning a family in this relation.

If you are looking forward to get pregnant, there do not rush to take a shower immediately after. Relax and spend more time with your partner and relive those moments. Pregnancy in this partnership happens in no time. High on the compatibility chart, they know who to work on their desires and discover each other.

10. Gemini Mom and Aquarius Dad

I am sure no one will be surprised to hear that having twins is a huge possibility for Geminis. The dual personalities of a Gemini mom will never leave her kids bored, but she can be quite short on patience. An Aquarius dad can provide a great balance for her as well having a great physical compatibility.

Here are two social and friendly people, Gemini and Aquarius, who are simply on the same wavelength. If you look around, you will find these two zodiac signs sharing a good relationship, be it as friends, colleagues or as lovers. Birthastro.com says that both share the same element, Air, and therefore have similar affinities and objectives.

This zodiac pair blends like water and milk, as though they were born to be together. This crazy emotional connect amplifies the spark in their life. For any relationship to grow and lead to pregnancy and thus multiply to family, the partners involved must be fond of each other, and feel happy and content in each other’s company.

Tarot.com observed that compatibility between any two individual is not easy, the simple reason being, no two individuals are alike. But when it comes to Gemini –Aquarius combo, they don’t need to make major adjustments as they appreciate each other’s qualities. A Gemini, are simple happy go lucky people who spontaneous and easily attracted to the original and genuine Aquarius.

It is easy to flirt and seduce a Gemini and an Aquarius loves to experiment. If you are ready for a family, pregnancy in this partnership will not be difficult. However, there is no other equation to a successful and long partnership, but love. If you love your partner, everything else falls in place.

9. Cancer Mom and Capricorn Dad

If you’re a Cancer Mom, wondering how many kids you’ll have, the stars predict that you’ll be having 2 babies, but several years apart. A mom with this star sign is a natural at the parenting game and her best bet is a Capricorn dad.

Physical compatibility goes hand in hand with mental compatibility. A good bedroom life is often a result of a mental proximity and love. If you are in love with a Capricorn, you are with a responsible and caring person. It is not easy to crack the outwardly stiffness of this Earth sign, but Cancer, the Water zodiac can soften this Earth sign to become the most compatible pair. Both Cancer and Capricorn value commitment. This zodiac combo does not delay time and welcomes pregnancy very early in their relation.

According to premastrologer.com, cancer clings on to its relation with deep emotional attachment. The nurturing nature of both these zodiac signs draws them towards getting pregnant early and parenthood. For this combo, making love represents attachment towards each other and expression of love rather than romance for fun.

Cancer zodiacs are protective in nature. Every step they take is after ensuring the direction is right or wrong. They apply the same logic in a relationship as well. They do not believe in one night stands or fun for an evening. Capricorns are romantic once in a committed relationship. They are patient to give their partner all the pleasures to satisfy. Both cancer and Capricorn work on relationship goals and bring in pregnancy without any delay.

8. Leo and Sagittarius

The stars have 2-4 kids planned for as you’re the lion of the signs. Leo moms love having a little pack of cubs. so many kids may seem like a lot for most people, but Leo’s multitasking skills will help easily deal her brood. A sagittarius dad is her best bet to ensure she has the best sexual partner to create as many children as she wants.

The Lion loves to rule, and the Archer is a born explorer! The combination of two Fire signs is the most compatible zodiac signs. With an almost full compatibility score, this pairing dares to indulge, explore and enjoy their intimate moments and set the bed on fire. This is the best partnership if you wish to get pregnant soon.

Astrologymag.com says that with a great libido and virility, The Leo man loves to take the lead. Set everything in your bedroom right. Leos like everything royal and magnificent. Detailed to perfection is a turn on. Both, Sagittarius and Leo are optimistic and happy people. While Leo likes to be in the limelight, Sagittarius is equally a fun loving and outgoing person.

Leo likes to be pampered, and Sagittarius is caring and knows how to flirt and tame a lion. Sometimes the ego hassles can bruise their relation. However, since the signs have a strong sense of belonging, they cannot keep away from each other. With fixed loyalty, they are similar like two peas in a pod.

The Leo Sagittarius zodiac pair exonerates warmth. This fun-loving and stylish pair can share a strong emotional bond of true love which is a must for long love life and going the family way.

7. Virgo Mom and Cancer Dad

Having too many kids could get stressful for Virgos, so having one kid may be perfect for them! Its best to pair up a Virgo mom with a Cancer dad.

According to astroreveal.com, Virgo, the zodiac has been painted aloof, introverted and irritatingly fastidious. But when you get closer to a Virgo, you will be drawn towards the easy simplicity and sincerity traits in this person. Furthermore, you will soon realize that all those preconceived notions are misconstrued, and far from reality.

Virgo zodiacs are one of the most sensual partners you can ask for. When they give in, there is nobody like them. A Virgo-Cancer team can be an extremely exciting partnership. Their attraction towards each other is most obvious; blame it on their basic ruling elements. Earth sign Virgo and Water element in Cancer is a bond for life. Perfectly complementing each other, this is the copulation for a happy pregnancy.

True to the hilt, a Virgo is the best companion for a lifetime love. The practical and informative Virgo may seem a stark contrast compared to the imaginative and expressive Cancerian. But when it comes to passion, a Virgo is sensuous and extremely virile.

Cancer zodiac believes love is important for physical union in a relationship. This zodiac can evoke passion to go to any extent to satisfy the partner. If you are planning a pregnancy, this partnership guarantees a life time love. Steamy and erotic they are game to try anything. Clearly a notch above all, Virgo-Cancer is a win-win combination.

6. Libra Mom and Aries Dad

The stars have an even number of kids aligned for Libras as they look for balance, equality, and fairness. so they may have 2, 4 or even 6 children. Aries is the best partner for them to ensure they have fun making all these children. Aries make great dads too with their love for adventure and fun.

For those who follow astrology may question the compatibility of Air and Fire. Can they gel? Why not? The flame of fire is fueled and burns in rage in the presence of air. In absence of air, or, if smothered, the fire will extinguish in no time. This is the case of opposites attract. Aries are a pro to venture playing interesting games in bed and heighten the mood. Try different positions to heighten virility and bring in pregnancy with fun.

As per insightfulpsychics.com, the charming and calm side of Libra is one of the most attractive features of this zodiac sign. The straightforward Aries and the diplomatic Libra can find the perfect equilibrium in their life. The grounded Libra is a perfect match for the high on energy and sexy Arian. If you are looking to start your family at the earliest, Librans are best known for their virility.

Libra man rarely takes the initiative but never fails to surprise you as the temperature steams up. The dominating and fierce Aries and the practical Libra makes a charismatic combination of power and brains. To get pregnant, play with your bedroom ambience and titillate the sensual side of the Libran.

5. Scorpio Mom and Capricorn Dad

19 Kids and Counting! That’s what the stars foretell. Scorpio moms are gifted with the ability to handle an entire army of kids. They love being surrounded by their loved ones. Toss in a capricorn partner and you have a match made by the stars.

Most relations start with simple friendship and later blossom into love. Sadly some don’t have a long life and peter out to fizzle apart in no time. These days many look for zodiac compatibility to decide the success of their partnership. If you are eager to know how a Scorpio –Capricorn relation will fare, take a deep sigh of relief, as this combo can sail their life smooth. The chemistry here is based on the friendship they share. If you are asking for easy pregnancy, this is a bond to satisfy your love life.

Ruled by complementary elements this pair complete each other emotionally for a symphonious life. Scorpio is ruled by emotions and passion. Astrology-zodiac-signs.com reveals that, Scorpio gives one hundred percent in its relation and expects the same in return.

Deeply committed to its partner, Capricorn can turn any dull moment to a passionate libidinous love making. Both the zodiacs believe in the temple of love and are game for working towards getting pregnant and starting a family early.

Scorpios are born with a magnetic sexuality that is hard to evade. This emotionally charged in riveting passionate Scorpio and ever dependable Capricorn lover is the best partnership to start a family and carry on for a happy life.

4. Sagittarius and Gemini

Their constant need for adventure might make the demands of motherhood a little difficult for sagittarius moms. The stars have just 1 planned for them. A Gemini is the best dad and partner for a sagittarius mom.

How successful can a Sagittarius and Gemini zodiac love match be? With an above average compatibility score this combination is ruled by the theory of opposites attract. Ruled by Fire element, Sagittarius is full of energy. Gemini is light hearted cool and breezy as Air. Compensating each other and making up at every level balancing in harmony, Sagittarius -Gemini combination is a love pair that finds it hard to keep pregnancy away.

According to sexualastrology.com, Gemini is hard core romantic. This zodiac star craves for physical proximity and amorous love making. If you are partnered with Gemini, they are game for trying out various sexual positions. For a Gemini, change is fun and variety is the spice of life.

Bold and dynamic Sagittarian is more dependable and ardent lover. Sagittarians love for fun and adventure makes this partnership hot. Experimenting Sex toys, adventurous games and adding fun to your personal moments, this zodiac combination exudes bold romance. Sexed up Gemini can find its most satisfying partnership to bring in pregnancy with the very aphrodisiac and virile Sagittarius.

Optimism in Sagittarius and romance in Gemini balances their life for a long torrid love story. The journey being fun and romantic this partnership may bring in many blissful pregnancies.

3. Capricorn Mom and Taurus Dad

Handling 3 kids is not a problem for a capricorn mom. They have taskmaster skills that make them exerts in creating and maintaining structure. A Taurus dad is just what a capricorn mom needs.

Compatibility is always the key for success of any relation. Many passionate love affairs go cold once the physical attraction wanes off. Your relation must be warm always. No highs or lows should have the capacity to overpower your love. Giving space for each other to grow makes the relation even healthier.

Mental compatibility is a must for every relation. This is where Capricorn and Taurus zodiac combo wins the game. They share similar objectives in life and understand each other. If you are looking forward to start a family in this zodiac sign combo, you are in a safe bond.

Birthastro.com says that both Capricorn and Taurus are ruled by the same element, Earth. They are practical in their approach. They do not hype up reality, nor do they live in an unrealistic world. Thus both these zodiacs believe in finding solace in real practical world. Sensory titillations are a turn on for Taurus sign. Fragrances and sensuous touch makes them go weak.

Capricorn-Taurus combination is a rock solid pairing for those planning to go the family way. The only ingredient for a long lasting attraction and sex life is love. Mutual respect, trust, space to grow in a relationship and unconditional love showers lasting magical spark for a successful love life.

2. Aquarius Mom and Libra Dad

Aquarius crave adventure and freedom, so the stars have just 1 child planned for them. A libra partner is just what she needs to get pregnant quickly.

Astrology predicts Aquarius –Libra pair as a safe and secure, with a steady love life. What clicks in this partnership is the desire for stability. Both ruled by the element Air, Aquarius and Libra combination is touted as highly compatible. Relations that dream of future together do not delay in becoming pregnant. Seal your relation with love and complete your family for a meaningful journey together.

Aquarius zodiacs are seriously romantic when they are sure they wish to commit in a relation. Librans are not different from Aquarians when it comes to their outlook towards love. Very sincere about their relationship, they are committed to the core. Both the signs are committed to make their relationship work, and work towards it in their own way.

Librans are practical, and charming. They believe in strong mental connect than mere physical relations. To get charged and passionate with their partner, love is a must for Librans. Once committed, there is no looking back. A Libran is always ready for pregnancy and defines family as the ultimate goal and emotional investment.

One of the most harmonious zodiac combinations, Aquarius-Libra can find happiness in their compatibility and can definitely go ahead and start their family and stamp their love.

1. Pisces Mom and Virgo Dad

Being the fish sign, Pisces moms love to brood and feed a whole school of kids. The stars plan for 5 or more kids, if these moms are ready to have a go. Its best they find a virgo partner though.

According to astrologymag.com, The strong bond between Water and Earth is what depicts Pisces and Virgo. The water element in Pisces and the Earth in Virgo are very much attracted to each other keeping them glued for a lifetime. Highly compatible, they find the solid ground in love easily, and hence the decision on starting a family is natural.

Getting pregnant is easy if you are in a Pisces-Virgo relation. Pisces are most compatible and flowing in emotions. Music in the room can augment the romance for a Pisces. Incurably romantic at heart, a Pisces is turned on easily and takes the initiative to please the partner.

Virgo may seem very hard on the outside but surprises you by pure and sincere sensuality. Virgo, one of the most fastidious and meticulous natured people, believe in doing everything the right way. If you are thinking of getting dirty and blue, make sure you have your Virgo in your confidence. Clean and well organized spaces are their romantic comforts.

Extremely sensitive Pisces can find their sincere undivided attention and unselfish love in Virgo. For a compatible couple with a good chemistry, getting pregnant is a natural outcome as love is the binding factor.

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